Source code for slim.models.__init__

__title__ = 'slim.models.__init__'
__version__ = '0.7'
__build__ = 0x000007
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan <>'
__all__ = ('Slim', 'SlimBaseModel')

from six import PY2

from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from slim import get_languages, default_language, get_languages_keys
from slim.translations import is_primary_language
from slim.helpers import admin_change_url, admin_add_url

[docs]class Slim(object): """ Add this class to all your multi-lingual Django models, where you use ``slim.models.fields.LanguageField``. Alternatively, you may use the ``slim.models.SlimBaseModel``. """ @property
[docs] def is_multilingual(self): """ Simple flat to use on objects to find our wheither they are multilinugal or not :return bool: Always returns boolean True """ return True
[docs] def get_redirect_to_target(self, request): """ Find an acceptable redirect target. If this is a local link, then try to find the page this redirect references and translate it according to the user's language. This way, one can easily implement a localized "/"-url to welcome page redirection. """ target = self.redirect_to if target and target.find('//') == -1: # Not an offsite link http://bla/blubb try: page = cls.objects.page_for_path(target) page = page.get_translation(getattr(request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE', None)) target = page.get_absolute_url() except cls.DoesNotExist: pass return target
[docs] def available_translations(self): """ Returns available translations. :return interable: At this moment a list of objects. """ if not # New, unsaved pages have no translations return [] if is_primary_language(self.language): return self.translations.all() elif self.translation_of: return [self.translation_of] + list(self.translation_of.translations.exclude( language=self.language)) else: return []
[docs] def get_original_translation(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Gets original translation of current object. :return obj: Object of the same class as the one queried. """ if is_primary_language(self.language): return self return self.translation_of
[docs] def translation_admin(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Gets a HTML with URL to the original translation of available. For admin use. :return str: """ if self.translation_of: if PY2: url_title = unicode(self.translation_of) else: url_title = self.translation_of return admin_change_url( self._meta.app_label, self._meta.module_name,, url_title = url_title ) return ''
translation_admin.allow_tags = True translation_admin.short_description = _('Translation of') def _available_translations_admin(self, include_self=True): """ Gets a HTML with all available translation URLs for current object if available. For admin use. :return str: """ try: original_translation = self.original_translation available_translations = list(self.available_translations()) languages_keys = get_languages_keys() languages = dict(get_languages()) if include_self: available_translations.append(self) output = [] # Processing all available translations. Adding edit links. if available_translations: for translation in available_translations: if PY2: url_title = unicode(languages[translation.language]) else: url_title = languages[translation.language] output.append( admin_change_url( translation._meta.app_label, translation._meta.module_name,, url_title = url_title ) ) languages_keys.remove(translation.language) if and self.language in languages_keys: languages_keys.remove(self.language) # For all languages that are still available (original object has no translations for) for language in languages_keys: url = admin_add_url( self._meta.app_label, self._meta.module_name, '?translation_of=%s&amp;language=%s' % (str(, language) ) if PY2: name = unicode(languages[language]) else: name = languages[language] output.append(u'<a href="%(url)s" style="color:#baa">%(name)s</a>' % {'url': url, 'name': name}) return u' | '.join(output) except Exception as e: return u''
[docs] def available_translations_admin(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Gets a HTML with all available translation URLs for current object if available. For admin use. :return str: """ return self._available_translations_admin(include_self=True, *args, **kwargs)
available_translations_admin.allow_tags = True available_translations_admin.short_description = _('Translations')
[docs] def available_translations_exclude_current_admin(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Same as `available_translations_admin` but does not include itself to the list. :return str: """ return self._available_translations_admin(include_self=False, *args, **kwargs)
available_translations_exclude_current_admin.allow_tags = True available_translations_exclude_current_admin.short_description = _('Translations') @property
[docs] def original_translation(self): """ Property for ``get_original_translation`` method. :return obj: Object of the same class as the one queried. """ return self.get_original_translation()
[docs] def get_translation_for(self, language): """ Get translation article in given language. :param str language: Which shall be one of the languages specified in ``LANGUAGES`` in ``. :return obj: Either object of the same class as or None if no translations are available for the given ``language``. """ if not language in get_languages_keys(): return None if str(self.language) == str(language): return self if str(self.original_translation.language) == str(language): return self.original_translation try: return self.original_translation.translations.get(language=language) except Exception as e: return None
[docs]class SlimBaseModel(models.Model, Slim): """ An abstract Django model. """
[docs] class Meta: abstract = True
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